We knew from the outset we wanted to avoid ground that women’s sports had trodden before — defiant in tone and comparative to men. To truly inspire people to join, we had to create something that didn’t look, feel or sound like any other sport.
To understand what makes women’s rugby so unique, we met with players, coaches, referees and fans around the world, from grassroots to pro levels. We discovered that, more than any other sport, it’s differences within the team that made it great. We developed a campaign strategy around inclusivity: both on and off the pitch, women’s rugby is the ultimate team sport.
“Team Powered” became our campaign concept — which kicked off through a collaboration with illustrator Xoana Herrera, to create a ‘team’ of original characters, highlighting the athleticism, power, and diversity found across the sport. When they come together, they become a brilliant representation of the team and the women's rugby community.
Wherever the campaign appears, in any language, it’s visually unmissable, a million miles from the often-clichéd way women’s sport is marketed, and with a message that’s universal. This isn’t just a sport – it’s a team. When the campaign launched, it was met with unprecedented universal praise, with the campaign film reaching over 6.5 million views.
Nick Sims
Daisy Grice
TJ Rees
Xoana Herrera
Hayden Shields
David Moloney
Anna Victor
Thiago Pinho
Whisper Films